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FCPP Federació Catalana de Pitch and Putt

Full informatiu FCPP Num 34 - Abril 2014

Ets a:  IniciNotíciesFulls Informatius FCPPNotícia id 23604

Fulls Informatius FCPPFull informatiu FCPP Num 34 - Abril 2014


Informació de la FIPPA prèvia al Reglament de la competició

It is proposed to introduce an annual international inter-clubs competition, the winning team being awarded the title of European Club Champions.

Clubs will be represented with teams of 4 players - verifiable bona fide members of a specific club.


The competition will be played over three rounds of 18 holes - Strokeplay.


-        Fourball

-        Foursome

-        Individual

Result will be the accumulated scores of the following scorecards:

-        3 of 4 scorecards in Fourball and Foursome matches

-        3 of 4 scorecards in individual matches


The team with the lowest accumulated score will be declared as the winning club.


EPPA member associations might be allocated the following places for teams:

-        Ireland 5

-        Catalonia 5

-        Netherlands 5

-        Andorra 2

-        Great Britain 2

-        Norway 2

-        Galicia 2

-        Germany 1

-        Basque Region 1

-        France 1

-        Switzerland 1


In the likely event that member associations might not field as many teams, it is envisaged to open the tournament to include teams of ladies, seniors and juniors. These teams may be formed of players, members of different national clubs. Associations are asked to determine as soon as possible the number of teams willing to participate and inform the Secretariat.


Diputació 274, pral. A
08009 Barcelona
Tel. 93 342 42 49 - Fax 93 412 16 79 -
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